BECOME A VOLUNTEER! New Orleans shines ever brighter as an epicenter of culture and creativity during the New Orleans Film Festival, with 500+ filmmakers from every corner of the world in attendance at 220+ films. And we can't do it without your help!
The 30th Anniversary of the New Orlwans Fim
Festival is October 16 - 23, 2019
Theater Team
Street Team
Will Call
New Orleans Advocate
Orpheum Theater
Broad Theater
Prytania Theate
Line Wrangler
Festival Ambassador
Production Team
If you love New Orleans and film, this is an easy one.
Apply online trough our online scheduler. Once your application is processed, you will receive a welcome email with your password. You can then join teams and sign up for available shifts.
Volunteer Perks!
Each volunteer will receive one New Orleans Film Fest volunteer t-shirt
One voucher = one ticket to a film at New Orleans Film Festival
NOFS Membership
20+ volunteer hours required
Advanced tickets for our festivals,
15+ free exclusive screenings throughout the year
NOFF Passes
30+ hours pre-festival required
Free admission to screenings, early access, access to Festival VIP Lounge
Staff & Volunteer Party Invitation
For more information, visit or contact us at