Filmmaker: William McKeever.
Date: Early April
Location: Venice, LA
Documentary Film: Subject- Forage Fish
Scope: Interview fishing guide
This person takes out customers to fish for several species. He is a guide with a long history in the area. He is struggling trying to make a living and faced with several challenges such as expenses, not enough fish to catch and other items. I want to convey in the film his hurdles in his business and life.
Three one-hour interviews. No editing required.
Pay: $200 per interview plus travel
Credit- Videographer in film.
How to Apply:
1) Cover letter- in one page, please describe you, your background, and your skill set in handing an interview. Address such issues as sound, light and overall scenery.
2) Include any demo reels or work that you have done related to docs and/or interviews.
3) Write one-page description of why you are qualified and your interest in this. Email:
Application Deadline: March 22, 2022