Inspired by the play Lysistrata, The Lysistrata Comedy Festival is a three-day all-inclusive celebration of powerful and comedic women. The shows include stand-up, improv, sketch, burlesque, music, and film all created to acknowledge and elevate women's comedic voices.
Tickets Available | Lysistrata Comedy Fest | New Orleans (
Dates: March 18-20, 2022
Times: Friday 6:00 - 11:30 PM
Saturday 10:00 - 10:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 - 9:00 PM
Volunteer needs:
· 4 floating volunteers
· 1 marketing volunteer
· Can stand comfortably for up to 4 hours (or less depending on the day and task selected)
· Please let us know your accessibility needs in the volunteer form linked below.
Compensation: A day pass for all of the shows on the day(s) you volunteer for a shift.
Mar 14: Updated Compensation Information:
1. Marketing street team handing out flyers to predetermined businesses for $25 OR
2. Shift volunteer at the festival for a day pass to all the shows on that day (networking and exposure)